7/20/08 - Pre-Order the re-release of "V" The Original Miniseries due
out October 28, 2008 by clickling on the picture left of this box!
You'll note that now it says written by Kenneth Johnson AND A.C.
Crispin! (Thanks Patrick!) KEN JOHNSON wrote me saying, "The re-released book does not contain any material from The Final Battle, merely that drawn from my original four hour. My contribution is a new epilogue that rounds out the original story and introduces one of the heroines of VTSG -- at a young age. xxx K" Tell everyone to come to my site and pre-order this book! It might bring us one step closer to WB giving us a new "V"! Meanwhile, from KJ's
site: "Update
7/17/08 -- Kenny, along with several noted producers, financiers and the
powerhouse Endeavor Agency, are working diligently to get V before the
Click HERE to see different views of the V:TSG Novel!
REVIEWS OF V: THE SECOND GENERATION the novel. Send them in to me at lizard.lady@mindpulse.com !
Favorable V:TSG book review - http://www.ifmagazine.com/review.asp?article=2548 (thanks Eli!) |
"The Second Generation" novel was a fun read and I'm intrigued by the possibility of a remake. Truth be told, I'll take anything V-related. Hope you're doing well, John |
I tried not to get too excited for fear of expectations. I love "V' !! however I gotta say all that aside I was kinda dissapointed. great idea for it to be 20 years later couldnt be anythng else. I know somepeople said it wouldnt make sense to be that long but I said wars can last years and years . a lifetime but they didnt get my point. anyway the book reminded me way to much of Alien Nation. (which I didnt care for) but there was something else that didnt get my imagination to get fully involved. I cant place my finger on it but it seemed to be missing something. thinking about it . it was the characters. none really thrilled me enough to actually care about them. actually I was glad when some of the people died. obviously its Kenny's idea but thats my thought.. for one of my points the Leader should be a male. no sexism but when I read a female it didnt make sense considering when Martin an Willie were over hearing the whole convo. with Diana and the guy above of her talking Willie says to Martin something to the effect that the guy above Diana slept his way to the top with a male leader. We all know Diana would too and it was evident with Diana in the original mini series that she was getting too friendly with the reporter lady Christine. very obvious what shed do in any situation. there are other things about the book but I guess thats just my opinion.. Alcove |
The novel reads as
though it's adapted from a screenplay but I have been waiting for
something from Kenneth Johnson for over twenty years. I'm ecstatic
because if the novel was adapted from a screenplay that means a new
mini-series could be on the way. I was afraid the novel wouldn't even
come to pass with the four month delay. A friend in the book publishing
industry tells me this usually happens when a writer and producers work
out a deal to make a screenplay closely resemble the novel or vice versa
before a production can begin. I'm concerned though because Barnes &
Knobles only had two paperback copies and Borders didn't carry any.
This book really needs some great PR to get produced into a mini-series. I'm into the first quarter of the book right now (I'm savoring every page in case this book is it)and am not disappointed with it. I was glad to see new characters introduced and old ones return (without giving anything away). Kenneth has kept things current in every way so far. I loved the twist on the idea of teammates and complex leadership relationships. I definately see this story being told on Sci-Fi Channel (NBC owned)before NBC network but that's a plus. Sci-Fi has done a great job with Battlestar Galactica and I can see them do just as good a job with V. I hope to keep in touch as I get toward the middle of the book. - Rich |
Well, I read the new
Let me preface my
opinion by stating I understand film can add a whole different flavor to
a book. It can ruin it or enhance it. Ever read the screenplay to the
1977 movie Star Wars? Star Wars turned out much better
than the script led you to believe. Now, the author of V: The Second
Generation is an experienced television writer and director but not
an author. What's "iffy" on paper may be turned into cinematic gold. |